Friday, November 21, 2008


it is a funny thing to feel your age for once in your life. i am not talking about suddenly feeling old because your back went out or forgetting when your apointment is. I am talking about that feeling that comes over you when you Finlay feel like you are the same age, physically and mentally. Perhaps it is better to say it like this. Often in life, we get stalled in our development, we get put on hold in one or more area of our life. something happens to make us jump off the track and we can not get on again or get going until we heal/resolve/deal with the penny on the tracks that made us stop. so we go through life with parts of our selves restrained or put on hold well the rest of us goes trucking along. this can cause some problems, but it more often just makes us really believe that we are younger then we are. if you ask some one, how old do you feel you are, you will probably get a different answer then what their divers license says. But some times, through events mostly out side of our selves, some time those derailed trains get back on the track and start to catch up. they work double time until they are up to speed with the rest of us. I guess what i am talking about is health, in every sense of the word. feeling healthy. it is a strange feeling, trust me.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Wait, so are you saying that the fact that I have to think really hard to remember how old I am, and that when I tell someone my age it sounds odd and strange, is that evidence of unhealthiness? I don't feel 33. I really don't. I don't know how old i feel, but 33 sounds really too old for me. hmmm..... Could it be that I still have yet to grow up?