Saturday, December 20, 2008

kind of a crazy week at work. we really have a lot going on now that it is Christmas and things really get chaotic. i am really ready to get past the holidays and start a normal schedule. i am witting three new classes that i will be teaching in the new year, all psychological stuff on core beliefs and cycles and anger manegment stuff. that is keeping me really bussy.

i wient to a memorial service last nihgt for all the homeless who have died over the past year. there were 22 in the springs alone, and 160 in denver. one of the homeless shelters/transitional houseing places in town has a memorial in their back yard and on the longest night of the year there is a service to remember all who have passed on. it was bitterly cold, but a good service non the less. there were about 75 people who where there. we all ate dinner togeather, the salvation army has a van that serves soup every night close by. then we walked to the memorial and had a short service. it was a good experience overall.

I ran this morning and passed the 100 mile mark for the year. i know that is not much for most serous runners, but seeing as how i am still very amature, i consider it an acomplishment. at the bottom of this blog is my litttle runner man, i changed him from running in shorts to runing in pants becasue it was 15 degrees when i ran this morning.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

O.K. so i just finished reading the irresistible revolution by shane claiborne. I am going to be attending a confrience early next year where he will be speaking, and i wanted to see what he was all about. I had heard of him before, just in passing in the circles that i wonder in, and knew a little about him and his life.

The book was good, but i was still not able to get behind it fulley. I really really aprechate some of the things he has to say, i bellieve he has meany vallid points and he really challanged me on a number of different leavels. i think what he is doing takes courage and a passion that is raerly seen in this day and age. I would consider myself a admireier, but not a groupie jsut yet. (and i have a fealing that Mr. claiborne would be just fine with this)

the problem i have is this. and maby this is a commentary on american culture more then mr. claiborne's book. I just regret the fact that any time a visionary or passionate leader has a message to say, they have to go overboard in order to get a point across. Mr. claiborne seams very intent to preach agenst the eviles of the capiltist system and wall streat. brovao, i definatly hear what he has to say. on the otherhand, he was able to attend college on a scholership, wich means that some one made some money, actually a whole lot of money, enough not only to send their own children to college, but enought to say to a particluar college" send some one who i dont even know as well" And there was also some time in princten semenary, i am sure that was not a cheep venture eather. I would guesse taht at some point, some one made a tone of money, probally using the capitisit system for all it is worth, and did some really cool things with that money. To be fair, Mr claiborne gives more creadit to the rich in his book then i first expected, he does tell his readers that there is a place for those who make money in the kingdom and he calls those who do work and make lots of money to do so in a christ like maner, and to have there work and money changed by the power of Jesus, once again, bravo. But i got the over all fealing from reading the book that Mr. Claiborne felt that the rich had a place in the kingdom of heaven, just as the virus has a place in medicine. they are nessecary to help discover the cure, but in the end are much more part of the problem then part of hte cure. Mr. claiborne is makes a great point of telling his readers that they should not let charity become a insulation to thier guilt and they should be personally involved in the help they give, but then he proceeded to give us all the informaion and web addressses of his personal favorite ministryies, so we can become more involved.

I wish we lived in a socity where we could jsut call it like it is. we as a christian community, need the people who just sit around and write cheacks. we neeed those people who are enourmaoulsy ricch so they can baile the radicals out of jail. ( dont get me started on Mr. claiborns civel disobedience, a unjust law is no law: i know meany a pot head that will argue that if alchahol is leagle, it is unjust to call pot illeagle; where is the line drawn and who makes the call what is unjust and what is not) any who, we live in a socity where we need both, we need the pasifist and the solidure, we need the guy who will live on the street and minister to the homeless, and we need the guy who's parents work there butts off so he can go to college and then grad school so he can help the homless and addicted find real change for theier life.(we even need the bill gates to make billions of dollers and then give it away evey year, he has really done some amazing things) in the end, it comes down to one thing for me, to whom much has been given, much will be required. in one way or the other, those who have been blessed will be called into very strict account about what they did with what they have been given. it is up to each of us to searh our heats with evey purchase and evey decision to see if we are living they way god would want us to live.

I am tired and had a long day at work, so i dont feal like spell checking this one, feal free to write with any questions.

fa la la la la, la la la la

Friday, November 21, 2008


it is a funny thing to feel your age for once in your life. i am not talking about suddenly feeling old because your back went out or forgetting when your apointment is. I am talking about that feeling that comes over you when you Finlay feel like you are the same age, physically and mentally. Perhaps it is better to say it like this. Often in life, we get stalled in our development, we get put on hold in one or more area of our life. something happens to make us jump off the track and we can not get on again or get going until we heal/resolve/deal with the penny on the tracks that made us stop. so we go through life with parts of our selves restrained or put on hold well the rest of us goes trucking along. this can cause some problems, but it more often just makes us really believe that we are younger then we are. if you ask some one, how old do you feel you are, you will probably get a different answer then what their divers license says. But some times, through events mostly out side of our selves, some time those derailed trains get back on the track and start to catch up. they work double time until they are up to speed with the rest of us. I guess what i am talking about is health, in every sense of the word. feeling healthy. it is a strange feeling, trust me.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

well, today it begins. I am starting my new carrier at the springs rescue mission. I am excited to get going. I did not know when i had to come in to work, so i got up and ready to go at 6:25 this morning. then i got the last minute email that said i did not have to be in until 9:00. oh well, maybe i can make this a habit, get some things done in the morning. I am going to be working in what is called the new life program. it is a year long residential program for guys coming off the streets who want to get thier llives back togeather. I will be doing some counseling, teaching, social work and other such things. it is really what i havebeen looking for. I never saw my self as a privet practice counselor, i like to do to meany other things. I enjoy teaching, i like to work with the system and use resources to help people. so i am really looking foward to this work. I will try to keep up this blog to let you all know how the change is going and what i am learning. I am sure it will be a lot.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

crazy couple of days

well, it has been a crazy few days, there has been allot happening back at the ranch in colo. spr. we have had friends come home to stay, friends reach mile stones on the way to educational fulfillment, we have found a new church and started new bible studies/movie nights. and it may not be done yet. it seams that when god moves, he dose it all at once and then lets us ceatch up to him. i wonder if the older we get, the better we run and the faster we ceatch up to what god is doing. i guess fall is the new spring.

Friday, August 22, 2008

China and free will

So, I learned a little something about God giving us free will while watching the Olympics last night. The finals of the 30m platform diving was on, and the TV spin machine was pitting the 15 year old Chinese diver against the much older American diver. Now of course, there has been some press about the Chinese gymnasts and their age, but what stretch my mind every time is when the sport expert, the commentator hired by the network, discusses the training of many of the Chinese athletes, no matter what age. They talk with glee, almost jealously, about how Chinese children, once they are determined to be of correct body type and ability, are taken from their families at ages of 3 and 4, placed in government run sports prisions, and trained relentlessly for years until they reach optional performance capability. Hence the pressure to have under aged girls compete in the gymnastics. They were at there scientific peak, and in four more years would be no good to the country, there for they must compete now. a little photo shop and and we have "official Chinese passports." Any way, these commentators are so caught up in competition and their own little sport, they fail miserably to see the larger picture. Flash to the American diver, making her last competition dives of her career. she was grinning ear to ear before every jump. and when her last belly flop was done, tears ran down her face with the emotion of having ended her career. Now, the Chinese diver did take first and the American not so much, but look at the larger picture. This little girl, taken from her family, drilled and trained not to let her country down or she would be a failure for life, performed a robotic and technically perfect series of dives, and won. The American was trying just as hard, but basking in the joy of doing what you love and eating up the moment for all it was worth. The gold medalist had to scrape the smile off of her face, because that would not be acceptable for her country, while the American let her emotions flow. It really made me realise how much free will means to us as humans when it comes to God. Yes, he could have indoctrinated us with unfailing love, and we would all perform robotic and technically perfect series of praise and worship services on earth and then die with a gold medal. Or he can let us come as we can, and perform not quite as well, but perform out of our hearts, and it is beautiful. I would not trade all the gold medals in the world that were won out of robotic obedience for just one that come from the love of the sport.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Skipping II (crashing a family reunion and staying for the pie)

So our saga of Church shopping continues. after a few weeks of trying the other popular mega Churches in town, we began to tire of roast preacher for lunch. I have a good friend who i talked with about our church frustrations and he recommended his home church, he said it would be a good fit. so we finally gave it a try. This church happens to be part of the IAC, or international Anglican church family. From what i understand, the Anglican church of Rwanda saw that the American church was really suffering and needed help. so they sent missionaries to the u.s. to plant Churches. yes, African missionaries coming to the states. pretty cool in my book. Any way, we find the church, which meets in a monastery (not really the brother cadfile type of monastery, more the 1970's post office kind of monastery) and found our way to the auditorium. It was apparent right away that this was a different kind of Church. I had been to an Anglican service twice before, once in Shang Hi and once in Jerusalem, but in those settings, different was expected and not as much of a shock. The whole thing really had a familial feel about it. People wandered in during praise time, people dressed from very formal to short pants. the preacher/priest/brother had the black shirt and white collier, with levies and sandals. different. the service was divided into two equal halves, the sermon and the communion. during the sermon, kids were in the nursery, during communion, every one was involved. different. and even we got amber back and she started making her little baby noises, not a head turned, it was normal. different. the service had a lot of readings, and symbolic stuff, but it seamed like people understands that ceremonies stood for something, and were not the point in them selves. different. so all this different kind of took me back, but as i thought more about it, that was just the kind of thing that i was looking for. we both really liked it, there were a good number of people from our tribe there (thirty somethings with chacos and Subaru's) and a good number of the Christan mental health community from the springs. so we will see. it seams that there are still some people doing Church for some of the right reasons in this town. we will not be attending this Sunday, as we have to drive up to Denver, in the middle of the Democratic convention, to attend a birthday party for two children who will never know we were there.

Monday, July 14, 2008


So, we skipped Church yesterday, and it was awesome. we have been struggling with our church lately, and we finally decided to do some looking around. I have been going to this church for 8 years, so this decision dose not come lightly. and we may end up back, at the same place, but it is just time to look at other options. It has been so hard to connect lately in the Church. Ever scence our small group disbanded, it has not been the same at all. But more importantly, skipping church was such a relief, especially after reading through Blue and really beginning to realise living by grace and outside of the law. I really agree with one comment i heard from a pastor, he said "all my life, growing up, we were told that we did not have to live by the law, but by grace, and then the church would proceeded to teach us how to follow all the rules." It seamed kind of like flossing your teeth, every one agrees that it is the best thing to do, but who actually dose it?

Thursday, July 3, 2008


So i finally finished blue like jazz. I know i am kind of a late comer to this but i have been reading nothing but psychology for the past three years. It was actually my fist non required reading that i have done sense graduating. and if nothing else, it showed me that i have a heart that will be captured by just about any ones vision or passion. I experienced this in my schooling as well. every time i finished a class i was sure that was the area of counseling i was going to specialize in. after the ptsd class, i wanted to work with that, after the grief and loss, i wanted to work in a hospice, after psychopharmachology, i wanted to kill my self. any way, i feel the same things after reading such a good book like blue. on one side, i really like that i have a open heart and can join others in there passion, but on the other side, i would really like to have a passion that i can call my own, one that is totally mine and is chosen for me. I am getting a strange feeling like i have written this some where before. oh well, i guess this would be a good time to post my life long goals.

1. To have MY compound raided by the ATF
2. To see it rain beer
3. To eat my weight in something
4. To have an invention featured on an infomercial
5. To make the Letterman top 10 list
6. To eat a bald eagle.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The wonderfull world of westcliffe

I just got back from spending an extended weekend in Westcliffe. I had the honor and privilage of standing up for one of my friends in his wedding. the ceremony took place out doors at a historic ranch homestead in the wet mountain valley. the backdrop of the sangre de christo mountains was absolutely spectacular. I was able to reconnect with some old friends who came down for the wedding. my emotions ranged all over the spectrum over the weekend, i am sure i will be writing about them once i have had time to process them a little more. in a nut shell, i was both very encouraged and excited by the connections, but as always happens after such experiences, i am left feeling to empty and forgotten afterward. such events bring together so many different social groups, it is always interesting to see different reactions and interactions. any way, it was an awesome weekend and i came back feeling rested yet roused, shaken. like i said, still some processing to do on this.


Friday, June 20, 2008

I love Utube

I could spend so much time on Utube. I love finding new music. I could care less about the latest high school student complaining aobut their teacher or some ones cat chasing a lazer dot. but the music is awsom, espechally hard to find music like good techno. Good tranz is kind of like good a good monarchy, the best come from europ. I love just pulling up one of my favorit produces and then following where the flow leads. you can really find some good music that way. The other day i made it all the way from Black Sabbith to Bela Fleck. awsom.

Well, if this is my first posting, i gusse i had better lay the ground rules.

1. comments are welcome, that is the point, right,

2. spelling coments are not welcome. if you can figure it out, fine, if you cant, consider it art and inturpertut it how ever you want. I try my best but some time i just dont feel like messing with it.

3. special thanks to, i am reporting for duty in the revoluation.

4. I know this is basicaly your "ytube is awsom" entry, but give me a break, i have been writing psychology for the past three years. it is time for me to do some unlearning and relax.

5. Frome time to time dent may post as well, her ruels may be different.

6. above all else, bash on reguardless.
